
What is the electrical performance of connectors?

Date:2017-08-12 14:22:43 
Now, in this rapidly changing era, in the era of constant change, will gradually promote products, products better, the industry will be getting better, they are closely related, is inseparable, MOLEX Molex connector is one of the products, so its electrical performance is what.
Contact resistance high quality electrical connectors should have low and stable contact resistance. The contact resistance of the connector varies from a few tens of tens to tens of ten cents.
To measure the insulation resistance of the insulation performance index between electrical connector contacts and contact with the shell, the order of the number of megabytes to several begohm ranging from europe.
Electrical resistance, or resistance to voltage, dielectric resistance, is a measure of the ability to withstand test voltage between connector contacts or between contacts and housings.
The electrical performance is above Molex Molex connector is how, I hope this essay can be helpful to you.
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